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Swap Don't Shop!

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I know what you are thinking...a clothing swap? Really? Personally, I think the term Clothing Swap sounds totally unappealing and conjures up visions of mu-mu clad women passing around handmade macrame trimmed confections along side tall glasses of wheat grass health shakes topped with a chia seed granola.

Whether I like the term or not, I love doing them! So, I'm gonna fill my glass with a mint julep and see if I can convince you otherwise.

5 reasons you need to have a clothing swap

1. One new-to-you item can make an a tired outfit feel new again. My sister-in-law, cleaned out her scarf collection a couple weeks ago and handed me a GIANT bag of scarves. "Here" she said "take what you want and donate the rest." I couldn't wait to get home and sift through the bag. I pulled a couple for my bff, a couple for my mom, my daughter picked a few, I grabbed a good amount for myself and there was still a LOT of scarves left (so yes, she might have an accessory problem, but it works for me.) Those scarves have totally made my go-to ensembles fresh again. I toss them around my neck, add them to a tote bag, tie them around my waist. I'm creating new outfits around them. That armful of scarves has created a new bounty of options in my wardrobe

2. One person's trash is another person's treasure. You would be amazed at the feeling you get when something that you don't wear anymore or doesn't fit well, works really well for someone else. Suddenly that item that made you feel less than thrilled is making someone else giddy. It's weirdly satisfying to know that item is giving someone else joy and has also gotten a new lease on life.

3. You can feel awesome that you are not adding to the landfill. Someone else is using what you no longer need. Nothing needs to be added or taken away. Plain and simple recycling at its purist.

4. It's retail therapy without the debt. The excitement of obtaining something new combined with the human connection and the fact that no money was spent creates a therapeutic trifecta of sorts. You will get that "I totally scored this for free" high every time you wear your new item(s) instead of that "Ugh, I really shouldn't have spent that money" buyers remorse


5. Guilt-free social time. I was going to say girl time, but men like a bargain and new clothing items too. Add beer, burgers and a sport to round it out for the boys. For the ladies, a bevy of beverages, some snacks and unending laughter. A fun and budget friendly refresh for mind and wardrobe.

So what are you waiting for, clean out your closet, call some of your peeps, muddle that mint and start swapping already!

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