Cheeseburger Croissants
I recently read an article from InSTYLE Magazine, by Caroline de Maigret, on what French girls can learn from American girl style. It drew me in because of the subject matter. Normally its all about how to get that French girl look, which boils down to authenticity and confidence. Ms. De Maigret's take away was how fearless American woman can be in their choices. Taking risks just for the fun of it, putting effort into their style.
I can't tell you much I loved her piece. She totally nailed it. I love the effortless chic of the French girl mystique, but I also love my fearlessness too.

I've always said Style is dressing to please yourself first. So many people are overwhelmed by style "rules", the "Do's and Don'ts." They are terrified to wear anything remotely stylish. Its safer to just blend in. People won't judge you, heck people may not even see you. It doesn't even cross their minds to think about if they like how they look.
Its so important to know who you are as person and really own it all…the good, the quirky, the not-so-perfect parts. Once you know and accept yourself, then you can truly find your own Style.
After all, its really all about you being happy with how you look. If you see a new trend that makes your heart flutter try it. Don't worry what people might will say. You only need to care about how you feel in it. If you aren't convinced, no-one else will be either; but if you feel like your inner Gaga has finally been released, others will see that confidence. I'm always inspired by someone who dresses differently "outside the box." I may not want to wear it exactly the same way, but it makes think how I might interpret a similar look. That is how style is supposed to work. Its your interpretation. Your look.
It kinda makes me want to take my effortlessly chic inner French girl and my fun loving American girl sides out to lunch. I'm thinking a cheeseburger on a croissant and tequila in a wine glass.